Friday, December 19, 2008

Standing in cribs, giggling...oh my

So, last night it was the 30 minute giggle fest before bed with Graham and Julia ...
Their cribs are head to head, so Graham decided to kneel and look over at Julia, then she did the same, and they talked and giggled and giggled so hard I thought they'd tip over.
They didn't.
InSTEAD, big brother Graham stood up...and Julia followed.

Oh no...time to lower the cribs and possibly tent them in? horrors.
I put pillows around the cribs just in case..

Graham is fighting sleep these least for the first 20 minutes (Julia doesn't like napping any more, at all!)...he seems confused by his abilities to sit up, pull himself to a standing position...and resists the urge to sleep by doing the above...but he's so tired he inevitably falls over and hits his head on the side of the crib.
more tears.
Then finally, sleep.
Ouch ... what a way to learn ;)
Julia, as ever, is graceful and knows when to stop 'pushing' her limits!

Photos to come...

1 comment:

marytaos said...

Oh-oh! Sounds like they might get their" wheels reved very soon!!