Friday, December 12, 2008

Julia here...sorry for the lack of updates...Mame and Mommy are trying to figure out how to put in videos and photos (in that order) and, well, there you have it.

I, Julia, am doing well, or 'Miss Perfect' as everyone calls me...
I am patient with my loud, flirtatious brother, Graham...I crawl in a way that gets me from A to Z...I zone out when my brother is blah blah blahing during dinner (leaving mommy to pull her hair out, as it means I don't eat but focus on a point on the wall until I decide my brother has received enOUGH attention!)...

Anyhow, I promise photos soon...because I am SO CUTE in the photos and videos!
Aunt Annie bought a gorgeous outfit for velvet dress with lace and flashy stars on it (she IS from LA you know...I hear she knows Cinderella! Snow White! All the rest -- of course I won't be allowed to Go To Disneyland unless it's in Paris)....

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