Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Oh, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!!!


When Daddy Terence walks into the house at night, you'd think Julia and Graham were 16 & at a Rock Concert for their favorite band....

Julia? She just laughs and laughs and laughs, and then breathes her "lion breath" (seething little lion) and then giggles ... ... If she's in her bouncer, forget it...she bounces so fast that the noise scares the mice away (oh, did we mention? We have a new family...after getting rid of 4... I suppose they really, REALLY like our home!).

He's the Rock Star Daddy...

Graham is equally enthralled, but just smiles because, well, he knows the routine: Upside down Graham, Flying Graham, Rolling over Graham...
Enough to give mom a heart attack...she leaves the room ...
And just hears massive giggles...

Sigh. So much for caution!

1 comment:

marytaos said...

Wonderful! Two giggle machines and a Rock Star!
Christmas Joy! year round.
Great photo too! 0x0x0M