Thursday, February 26, 2009

Graham's newest, cutest trick yet

So darling Graham has a new trick.
Last night, I noticed that when he looked in the mirror (a favorite past time), he'd cock his head to the left, give a little smile to himself, and giggle.
Too cute.
Today? When he wanted attention from me or Terence or Pang, he'd cock his head to the left...and smile.
He is such a cutie...
Julia continues to take baby steps...but I am so relieved when she just crawls.
Both babies are talking talking talking...
Pictures will be posted over the weekend...
In my spare time. ha ha

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Inside and Outside the box

The most popular toy on the market right now!? A box...with windows....

Graham loves his toy box and most recently, both Graham and Julia prefer to be IN the box. Just a little footage of playing on a Sunday morning. It's hard to keep up with all the action. Notice that Julia is standing....alone...unsupported...and days later...walking! I promise there will be walking footage ASAP!

Julia walks...and she's not even 11 months old.

Julia walked last night. She was holding onto my leg and let go...and toddled away...she took around 5 or 6 steps in all.
She has done the same thing twice today, and it is only 2:00 in the afternoon.
Let the games begin.
Last night, Julia also started pointing to things and talking about them. Mostly our antique Student I want to even understand? She is probably saying:
"Mom, I'm going to pull that one off the table first. Then that one. Then, I'm going to swing from the double student lamp hanging from the ceiling. Oh, and don't even ask me about what I'm going to do to the late 19th century shades. I don't know if I should start with the white, yellow, or green shades!"

Or did she ask for the keys to the car?

Graham bear was sleeping when Julia walked last night...he is chatting up a storm as well...and ready to take steps. But I am counting on my Graham to still be my little baby. He still loves to cuddle so much!

I was hoping they'd take their time to learn to walk. I am not ready to let go of my babies!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Child, feed thyself...

And he does! And she is! It's all about Puffs! Graham chews them with his front teeth ... it's so cute...Julia goes for it...of course there are tons of Puffs on the floor after, but who cares?
Up next: Pasta, I hope...and self feeding..

OK, eww, next time I promise to wipe off their faces before we take photos.

The tambourine on my head is to entertain them while eating (especially Graham)...whatever it takes to keep them eating!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Uh, I forgot something...what did I forget?

OH NO! I can't remember what I forgot...

Oh. That's it! Clothes!!!

Sweet dreams sleepy girl

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's....Graham and Julia!

Although still feeling under the weather, when it's 65 (yesterday) and 71 (today) outside, there's no holding us back from our walks!
Here are Graham and Julia in their little Gap cable knit hoodies, ready to roll...we walked down to the Capitol was a gorgeous evening.
On our way back home, Graham was asleep and Julia was hungrily chomping on her bottle when a neighbor walked up with her dog. We talked, and the next thing I heard was WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *right* next to poor sleeping Graham.
Needless to say, I wheeled two crying babies the rest of the way home (one house down)...
They will have to learn these things...but it's no fun watching them learn!!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009


Yes, finally another video! Probably one of Graham's best "tricks" yet!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sweet dreams, little ones...

Happy Birthday Aunt Annie!!!
Although still fighting off a bug (we all arel!), the babies just keep moving on. Julia, as ever, keeps her smile on, no matter how ill she feels. Graham needs to be cuddled and rocked more...which of course we all love to do!
Julia wakes up every morning and waves her hands to greet the world..she then spends the day so happy to be here that, well, it's contagious to be around her happiness! She hates going to bed, as it means the end of the day ... so a little rocking and soothing goes a long way with her (and her brother) at night.

Today it was 65 degrees...a gorgeous day for a stroll...which of course we did, to Eastern Market...

Graham's newest trick? Fake Sneezes. If Terence or I sneeze at him, he'll giggle and do a fake sneeze back. It is *just too cute* for words to convey, so Mame took a video of it for all to hopefully she'll post the video this week.

OK, off to bed. Here is a photo of dear Graham napping, his little bum in the air...and Graham and daddy (if the shot it light enough I'll post it...)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy 10 month birthday Graham and Julia!

We went to the pediatrician's today ... the diagnosis?
"Perfectly healthy, active babies..."
"Are they too active doctor?"
"No. They are curious and active, which is what very bright babies do."

Well, we all knew they were very bright!

They are both almost 22 pounds (Julia is 21 pounds 13 ounces, Graham is 21 pounds 15 ounces).
Graham grew one inch, to 30 1/2 inches long.
Julia grew 2 inches, to 29 1/2 inches long.

Graham had a field day in the doctor's office...he was so entranced with the paper that covers the table that he ripped up many many many lengths of it to the point where the ground was covered with paper!
As the doctor left, he jokingly pointed to Graham and said "You're trouble!"

Adorable trouble, that is.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Ah, what a difference a year, or 2, makes!

Just in the mood for wedding photos...drove through Evermay today. So hard to believe it's for sale, we were looking forward to walking the grounds when we live in G'town in the future.
Sigh...what a fabulous day June 16, 2007 was. The only day that was better?
April 3, 2008, of course!

Graham and Julia as little, teeny babies

In lieu of having new photos to post, here are a couple of old ones...Julia and Graham getting accustomed to the world...and often needing comfort...