Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's....Graham and Julia!

Although still feeling under the weather, when it's 65 (yesterday) and 71 (today) outside, there's no holding us back from our walks!
Here are Graham and Julia in their little Gap cable knit hoodies, ready to roll...we walked down to the Capitol was a gorgeous evening.
On our way back home, Graham was asleep and Julia was hungrily chomping on her bottle when a neighbor walked up with her dog. We talked, and the next thing I heard was WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *right* next to poor sleeping Graham.
Needless to say, I wheeled two crying babies the rest of the way home (one house down)...
They will have to learn these things...but it's no fun watching them learn!!!!

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