Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sweet dreams, little ones...

Happy Birthday Aunt Annie!!!
Although still fighting off a bug (we all arel!), the babies just keep moving on. Julia, as ever, keeps her smile on, no matter how ill she feels. Graham needs to be cuddled and rocked more...which of course we all love to do!
Julia wakes up every morning and waves her hands to greet the world..she then spends the day so happy to be here that, well, it's contagious to be around her happiness! She hates going to bed, as it means the end of the day ... so a little rocking and soothing goes a long way with her (and her brother) at night.

Today it was 65 degrees...a gorgeous day for a stroll...which of course we did, to Eastern Market...

Graham's newest trick? Fake Sneezes. If Terence or I sneeze at him, he'll giggle and do a fake sneeze back. It is *just too cute* for words to convey, so Mame took a video of it for all to hopefully she'll post the video this week.

OK, off to bed. Here is a photo of dear Graham napping, his little bum in the air...and Graham and daddy (if the shot it light enough I'll post it...)

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