Monday, April 16, 2012

Julia paints Graham

I can not tell you how many times in the past year Graham and Julia have gotten a hold of the paints...and how many baths I've had to toss them!
At least they've been trained 'not to touch anything' when they are all paint-y...
This one, well, Graham looks like he's in camouflage, and none too happy about it. Julia, as ever, looks thrilled with her 'work' ..!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Showtime, 2012

Searching for a solid on Ice, February 2012


Getting there


Disney on Ice..winter 2012...

Graham, Daddy and Julia


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tiny Dancers

Photo updates

Pretty Ballerina

Yay! Finally uploaded photos from my iPhone... Graham went to school dressed in his worker we passed a front loader on the way to school, Graham said "I should've jumped out of the car and run to help with the work!!"

Easter 2012, Gramma Grace visits for a brunch. Graham and Julia dressed up on Saturday, and Sunday they 'rested' ... Graham dressed himself...;)

Graham, at the House of Sweden's Little Red House

Monday, April 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Eve!

Graham and Julia will be 4 tomorrow--how did THAT happen so quickly?
I remember Terence driving me to the hospital, as I took photos of the cherry blossoms out the window (ahem, on a camera that an au pair's friend stole from me! harumpph!)...then, a bit later, in the operating room, listening to a healthy cry from Graham, and literally a 'meow' from Julia...

Then, bliss. Two healthy twins, at 37 weeks gestation, with no NICU in sight. (Twins often are in NICU even at 37 or 38 weeks--it just depends...)...

Bliss. Bliss...4 years later, two walking talking ... PEOPLE! egads...
Thank god for the internet...although it did not help me with the question: "Mommy, how do Babies get inside your belly?"
"Babies are really smart."
"Mommy, how do babies get OUTSIDE of your belly?"
"Oh, babies are really, really smart."
;) Not quite ready for THAT one!
When I figure out how to upload my iPhone photos, you'll see a ton...until then...