Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Julia walks...and she's not even 11 months old.

Julia walked last night. She was holding onto my leg and let go...and toddled away...she took around 5 or 6 steps in all.
She has done the same thing twice today, and it is only 2:00 in the afternoon.
Let the games begin.
Last night, Julia also started pointing to things and talking about them. Mostly our antique Student I want to even understand? She is probably saying:
"Mom, I'm going to pull that one off the table first. Then that one. Then, I'm going to swing from the double student lamp hanging from the ceiling. Oh, and don't even ask me about what I'm going to do to the late 19th century shades. I don't know if I should start with the white, yellow, or green shades!"

Or did she ask for the keys to the car?

Graham bear was sleeping when Julia walked last night...he is chatting up a storm as well...and ready to take steps. But I am counting on my Graham to still be my little baby. He still loves to cuddle so much!

I was hoping they'd take their time to learn to walk. I am not ready to let go of my babies!

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