Saturday, December 27, 2008

Here Comes Santa Claus

Ok, he came and went but what a wonderful time he gave us all!

I'll post pictures of the babies' first Santa was a hit. Julia wore her girly girly dress, and Graham, well, he wore a Santa suit! Looking cute as ever. (Thank you, Aunt Annie.)

The babies are crawling, pulling themselves up (and falling over)...and they are almost inconsolable at night or naptime unless they are assured their twin is in the crib next to them...which means lots of standing up, talking, gabbing, Julia grabbing Graham's binky (which normally brings smiles)...and not a lot of sleeping. SO, we must 'stagger' when the babies are put to sleep...but still, we'll often find Julia crying as she looks at her sleeping brother. She just doesn't understand why he won't get up and play!

It's odd, now that they are standing in their cribs...and How unusual it is to walk into their nursery in the morning and find Julia and Graham standing up 'talking' to one another and looking at the door to smile at Terence or me.

Where are my babies?

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