Monday, December 29, 2008

The (almost) great escapes

It seems we have a little rebellion on our hands...

First, Graham's binkies started disappearing. We had to keep washing the same 2 or 3 over and over...and, with the way that Julia just reaches over from Her Crib into His, as both are standing up playing 'over the fence' so to speak...and she just pulls a binkie out of Graham's mouth and, depending on the mood, makes him laugh or cry...oy. It was work to keep him in the binkies.
So, as it turns out? The little one had a stash. He was planning a breakout, for sure! Next to his crib, piled, literally, one top of one another, were SEVEN...7 binkies!!! When was he leaving? Where would he go? Or, like his daddy, would he have gone to ... EBAY!!!! Sold his binkies???

Then, there is our little peanut, Julia (ha. Peanut compared to her brother, Gulliver)...she keeps trying to get out of her gated community...
Here are some photos from out home to yours...the Gated Community ... with our outdoor tree (plus 2 little ones for the babies) all lit up... and Daddy holding his wee ones...Merry Christmas!

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