Monday, December 1, 2008

So much to be Thankful for!!!

So much has happened this week!

Aunt Annie came in from LA to help us celebrate Thanksgiving...and Graham and Julia entertained her (or was it the other way around?) with their attempts to crawl--Julia almost has it with a scooch, Graham rocks on all fours then flops on his belly (aw, later mom!).

They especially liked taking Aunt Annie's glasses off...Julia got quite good at it and did it with two hands...
On Thanksgiving, we all took a long 2 hour walk down to the Capitol and toward the Mall...and saw where the Inauguration podium and stands are being built in front of the Capitol. It was sunny and in the 50s.

Amonrat celebrated her birthday by cooking a wonderfully delicious dinner for us on Friday, with her friend Yves! Thank you Amonrat and Yves! to come. I must go eat leftover turkey with Terence. The babies are in bed....


marytaos said...

Fun!! Did Auntie Annie learn to giggle? I thought of you all there and knew it was a wonderful time!
Hmm-politics. Guess i won't visit in Jan!

Unknown said...

The babies are so CUTE!! My goodness!!