Sunday, February 24, 2013

Baltimore Aquarium: Day 1 of a 4-day weekend

As much as I love the children's school, it seems that there are few 5 day weeks, and many 4 day weeks. Over President's weekend, we had two 4 day weeks, which meant a 4 day weekend to fill up.
Day 1, we went to the Baltimore Aquarium, one family membership which has paid off nicely.
We were fortunate enough to catch the 2:30 tropical fish feeding...a group of professionals, called the "b" team, comprising of 2 lawyers, a dentist, an IT man, and one other--arrive at the aquarium at 8:00 am and chop up the 'fish' that they will feed to the Tropical fish.
It was fun to watch the divers jump into the tank...they were very friendly with Graham and Julia, and Graham followed one particular diver. This meant that Graham ran down the spiral, 3 or so story tank to watch the diver work...(the bottom 'floor' is filled with the sharks--Julia's not a fan of the sharks, so that part of the trip is always fast)..
Here are a few pics


 Graham waves to his friend, the scuba diver, who is feeding the fish
 Look closely, you'll see a man in the tank in a scuba suit

 Searching for Mermaids
 Baltimore Harbor
Potbelly's...after sushi, Mexican, and one other fast food-type restaurants were rejected. Potbelly's has a grilled cheese, which always wins out with Graham and Julia.

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