Tuesday, January 6, 2009

After the party

Sweet Julia, 9 months and one day old...after we took our New Year's photo by the outdoor Christmas trees...we have one large one, and two small ones for the babies. Julia's probably wondering where else she can wear her lovely holiday dress to!

The babies are fine. Growing too much. Pulling themselves up to a standing position, then falling. A lot. Graham likes to stand up, let go of what he's holding onto, totter for a few seconds, then fall on his butt. He's also a climber...anything will do to get him to his goal...books, blankets, etc. Fortunately he can't bend his leg yet to do any actual climbing.

Julia is still teething like mad...biting every thing (and one!). Oy...At least she has the teeth to show for it...(Graham works so hard at growing teeth, and I can finally see them coming through!)

Cheerios? Graham hasn't taken to his...He looked so insulted tonight when I fed him a Cheerio, that I had to fish it out of his mouth. Julia actually likes Cheerios...but she does have more teeth (and hair).

Good night!

1 comment:

marytaos said...

Amazing! 9 months! oh oh--walking is on the horizon!
These pix and vids make me smile every time! 0x0xM