Sunday, November 2, 2008

You found it!

This is it! The official blog for Graham and Julia.
For those who are far away, who saw them yesterday and want an update, or for those who want to just show them off! This is the place.

It's Sunday, November 2nd and the house is quiet. Everyone, yes everyone, is taking a much deserved nap. Graham and Julia were working overtime this weekend juggling multiple personalities.

They had two costume changes! Graham began as a devil and then ended his Halloween as teddy bear (a Teddy Graham if you will) and Julia was a cool cat and then transformed during her nap into Lola the dog. Neighbors were stopping to adore the two animals as they took a late night stroll (7:30 p.m. is pushing it!) to visit all the haunted houses of East Capitol Street. Meanwhile, Mom and Dad passed out candy, took lots of pictures, entertained guests and had a great time. Whew - what a weekend!

Stay tuned for updates and more about the lives of Graham and Julia! Feel free to leave comments and keep us updated as to how you are doing!


Graham and Julia

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow 11/10 blog amazing i love it, me and my mom friends talk about it all the time

very inspiring, would definitely read again