Monday, November 17, 2008

Graham the Bookie (I didn't do nuthin, officer' )

Alas, Graham has grown yet again and can't wear the designer outfit gifted to him that he fit into just last week. He is a big boy, and talking and talking and talking and talking...
almost figuring out how to crawl (please don't aim for the snap or sticky mouse traps, pumpkin! Which will be removed pronto once you figure out how to crawl)..

Each morning I find him awake on all fours, trying hard to figure out the next move in crawling. It's rather impressive...

Julia, as ever, is just perfect Julia. We learned tonight that--horrors--there is actually a food she will not eat! Corn! It was mixed in with squash.
I don't blame her...I tasted it and it was like cardboard...

She was growling tonight...we got it on video and if we're lucky, Mame will come back this week to launch it onto the site...
Julia, alas, may be a fashionista...the one designer outfit I bought her? Julia actually SMILES when she sees it on the hanger...
scary..she also picks out her pink polka dot flannel onsie to wear from time to time...
Graham? Oh dear...I'll post soon what he had on tonight...
He looked like a bookie, and the photo I took of him had an 'I didn't do 'nuthin, officer, really' look about it. mug shot, per se. Hopefully his only one! (pic above)
The shirt? Aunt Mary's gift...a Hawaiian Tommy Bahama looking shirt...
In the interim, just use your imagination...
Little princess growling, little man seething like a dragon or bull...too cute !!!

1 comment:

marytaos said...

Animal noises!! It all comes down to animal noises! And dragon imitations.
Aunt M has been busy learning the twists and turns of the net--now if I could only figure out how to file stuff???
Can't wait to hear the next. Makes me laugh every time I tune in! 0x0x