Thursday, June 6, 2013

Our little leaves @ The WIS Movement show

The Four Seasons was the theme at the Washington International School's Pre-K and K annual movement show this morning.
There were winter snowflakes and children who built snowmen; fish and surfers and sunbathers in the summer; flowers growing in the spring.

And then, there were...Autumn Leaves!!

Graham and Julia were leaves. Wonderful leaves. Talented leaves. The most lovely leaves Terence and I have ever, ever witnessed.
This morning, I told Graham that I'd like to be a leaf. He responded with such honesty: "I don't know, mommy, the costumes they made are quite small. I don't think they'd fit you." Love that boy!

So, in honor of our little leaves, here are some photos...videos to come.
Graham the leaf 
 Julia, sweet Julia
 Julia and Rebecca, her Wonderful Belgian teacher for the past 2 years in Pre-K
 Graham and Daddy
 Daddy's leaves
 Strike a pose

 Bryn, Julia, Bramm, Jibril, Makram & Darren
Bryn, Jules and Bramm 

1 comment:

Stéphanie said...

love it!!! they look happy!! like the pic with graham, terence and julia!!!