I took Graham and Julia to Arlington National Cemetary as we observed Veteran's Day...and we visited Uncle Ed's grave. It actually made Julia sad, she didn't really like the idea that we were stepping on graves--a good observation, because Arlington graves are so close-packed together, unfortunately for what that represents, that it is impossible to avoid 'stepping on a grave'...
I recorded some of their musings, here are comments made about the 'people sleeping' under the ground:
What do they do at night?
What if the have to go to the bathroom?—J
What if the have to go to the bathroom?—J
Maybe they have a funny Cat in the Hat machines down
there (to help them go to the bathroom)—G
What if they were hurt? -- J
What do they wear? -- G
Are there heads under the stones? -- J (thus, Head Stones)
I'm sad about your Uncle Ed -- J
I'm sad about your Uncle Ed -- J
Alas, the recording ends with me saying ‘no no no no no’...I think that was either when Graham tried to climb
onto a tombstone, or Julia walked up with a rose that someone had left on a
grave. I had her return it to the gravesite. It was all in all a rather moving moment…but I don’t
think Julia liked it
Graham, after figuring that he couldn't climb the tombstones, pull them down, or kick them, brightened up and said: "I know! I'll roll down the hill!"
There are photos of him below doing just that.
Later, at night in the bathtub, Graham said: "Mommy, how do I spell my middle name?"
I guess something 'stuck' from the trip to Arlington!
Look close, you can see Graham's legs at the 2:00 point!
Julia, who must do everything her brother does, joins in...
Rolling, rolling, rolling...
Hey! Look at these great sticks!
Can I take one home with me?
Gotta love boys...Graham always finds something to do!