Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend

Gardner, Julia, Emerson & Graham

We had a lovely 'gourmet' Thanksgiving with our friend Karen and her 4 sons...and Hannibal, of course, the gentle 'big' woof-woof...the meal was gourmet in the sense that not only did each side dish deserve a 'food architectural digest' type photo, but was incredibly delicious.

Gone were the traditional mashed potatoes and overcooked green beans, replaced by yummy veggie dishes that everyone--Graham and Julia included--devoured...the fig and cheese salad with walnut 'brittle' and a port reduction sauce was delicious. We were indeed grateful for our friend Karen and her family for including us at their Thanksgiving table!

Graham stood on the boys' skate boards (uh-oh), Julia adored the attention from so many boys (!), and both children made themselves very much at home. It was wonderful and happy. Thank you, Karen and family!
Here are some photos...enjoy. I know we did!

1 comment:

marytaos said...

Awww! These are amazing young Guys!
How Loving is that. 0x0x0M
Wow Karen.:-)