Monday, May 11, 2009

Walking, walking walking...and walking some more!

It's all about walking and exploration now...every day, we break Graham and Julia loose from their gated community to explore the house.

Oy. Hand me the Motrin!

Let's just say that late 19th century brass student lamps, with the aged glassware to match, plus the lamp cords, and every other thing on the planet that babies love to play with and get into...makes for interesting treks around the house.

Yet the babies handle it all with amazing grace.

Julia is working on a stack of Euripides books, Graham has perused the Sotheby's catalogue and is showing interest in our opera books (when he's not distracted by the piano).

All in all, who needs gyms? Nothing like 13-month-old twins to keep a person in shape.

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