Monday, April 6, 2009

Clowns, talking, walking...what next? Graham, the virtuoso!

This has been a lovely weekend...Friday, Aunt Annie arrived for the birthday, and took mom and dad out to a lovely dinner to celebrate the babies' first year and our first year of parenthood.

Then, Gramma Dot came for a visit on Saturday. That was fun!
And...drum roll, the main event on Sunday:

Oh boy, it was fun. Serious clowning fun. Bunky was lovely with the babies and they had no fears getting close to the tricks and treats Bunky showered on us all...balloon animals, magic hat tricks...not to mention those SHOES and that NOSE and that clown MAKE UP! Thank you, Bunky!
Friends came over and we celebrated with champagne and food.

Here are a few photos ... more to come throughout the week!

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