Julia lost her first tooth! And her doctor yesterday said that her '6 year' molars are coming in--early. My baby's growing up, time for me to, I suppose, as well. (Although Graham had his batman cape on last night, and reverted to the 'lookit me! lookit me!' phrase...as he ran down the hall and dove into bed...over and over...with Julia soon following.)
I digress. Megan, as ever--Graham and Julia's 'big sister'--our beloved sitter from Georgetown University who is living with us this summer as she works at her two unpaid internships--had treated Graham and Julia to dinner out with friends in DuPont circle--a donut/burger place...and G-man swung the umbrella by accident and it konked Julia in the mouth, and kaboom--out came the wiggly tooth that I did not have the nerve to pull out!
Megan thought fast--and had Julia write a letter to the Tooth Fairy. And Megan put the letter above the fireplace, as well as the tooth (which Megan placed into a silk little bag, which, frankly, had contained the head of baby Jesus from a creche of my grandmother's, a head that the children snapped off at age 2.5, became lost, then found, then the body was lost, then found...oh, never mind).
The "Tooth Fairies" sprung into action--Terence found two 50 cent Kennedy Pieces, and I found 4 one dollar bills--2 for each child.
Because, you see, if you're a twin, the Tooth Fairy rules stress that both twins receive a gift for the first tooth that comes out of either one's mouth. So, very late at night, I wrote a letter to Julia, put the swag inside, and licked the envelope...hmmm, Then, I opened Julia's letter to the Tooth Fairy--I tend to do some things backward, like occasionally reading the ending of a book first--and noticed that Julia had given the tooth fairy a bracelet!
Horrors! I had to write on the envelope 'thank you for the bracelet' ... as the Tooth Fairy would indeed be polite...
Julia's Tooth Fairy's name is Gigi, Graham's is Cliff ...here are some pics.
The tooth (obviously!)
Julia's sweet note to the Tooth Fairy