Friday was eventful, as we'd long anticipated going to ride on Thomas the Tank at the B&O museum in Baltimore. And what fun it was...
We rode for about 20 minutes on a train which had transformed the front engine to resemble Thomas the Tank. The museum is in a dicey part of Baltimore. To avoid robberies, we presumed, several motorcycle cops rode beside the train as it chugged past rusted out trains, a junkyard, and enough graffiti on the sides of torn down buildings to fill an encyclopedia from A to Z.
When we finished our ride, we strolled inside the museum, where old steam engines were displayed in a large semi-circle. One point of interest was Mr. a creepy costume worn by a person (or automon, since he didn't move), well, apparently he could Not move in it without guidance, as he had to be escorted out to the viewing area. Kind of like a Pillsbury doughboy, but not as appealing ;)
Sir Toppenhat, Graham and Julia observing from their stroller perch
Graham, Julia and me onboard a museum train
Wow, look at that big train!
Hey! There's more!
Hey! I'm riding Thomas the Tank!
Really! I promise!
My panda is as well!
What? No bears allowed on the train?
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