A full week done, and Graham and Julia are walking around, singing French songs, and using words that make it clear that Terence and I need to start our own French lessons soon!
LOVE the school, but I still do not like the morning routine...we'll adjust. Graham and Julia were actually awake at 6:45 am on Friday morning--a true difference to the other mornings, when I had to drag them out of bed between 7:45 - 8:00. I know it'll get better, as they get on a sleep schedule.
Then some smart aleck (or doomsdayer, the type of person I roll my eyes at, the type who states the obvious and then who likes to remind me how much my children won't like me when they are 13...please, just let me enjoy these loving 3 yr old moments!)
Anyhow, this person Reminded Me that we go to daylight savings soon...groan! Alas, just when I start getting the children out of bed at a certain hour, the Universe will laugh at me again and we'll have to readjust to the new clock.
A photo of my lovelies!